Ever find yourself experiencing some sort of low back pain? Well you are not alone, as 90% of the U.S. population will suffer from low back pain at some point in their life.
Here at Trilogy Wellness Center, we pride ourselves on staying on top of research and treating our patients with the most up to date and evidence-based protocol available. In 2019, the Pain Physician Journal presented a research article about therapy for Sacroiliac (SI) Joint dysfunction, which accounts for 15-40% of all lower back cases.
The SI joint connects the sacrum, or bottom of the spine, to the pelvis. The purpose of this joint is to help absorb shock to the spine when transferring weight between the upper body and legs when performing activities like walking and running. When the joint moves improperly that is called SI Joint dysfunction, and it can result in pain in the low back and legs.
The article concluded that patients that received hands on therapy, including spinal manipulation, showed the quickest decrease in pain and dysfunction. Additionally, long-term groups that were treated with manual therapy, spinal manipulations, and exercise rehab showed the greatest long-term improvements in both pain and physical function.
You may already know that at Trilogy Wellness, this is how we choose to treat our patients. Though we do find hands on work beneficial, we highly stress to our patients the importance of at-home corrective exercises to help improve their pain. We find that giving our patients the tools, and knowledge of their conditions, the better they understand how to prevent low back pain, like SI Joint dysfunction, from reoccurring. These types of articles, especially when posted by medical journals, give us great pride in the confirmation that we are providing our patients with the most up to date care to help patients not only get better, but to get better faster!
If you, or a friend, are suffering from low back pain please share this article and our office information with them as we are always looking to grow and serve our community.
Dr. D & Olivia
PS: Check back next week for some basic at-home exercises that you can do when SI Joint dysfunction creeps up on you!